Nutrition for the whole family
Feel your best
Menu Planning
Chronic Disease

Chronic Disease

Is chronic disease slowing you down? Is it limiting your daily activities?

It doesn’t have to be like that. Whether you have High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, High Cholesterol to Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lyme disease, Hashimoto, etc. Nutrition is at the forefront of treatment for these diseases. Let’s take back your health by starting at finding the root cause of the disease.


Weight Loss

Sometimes it feels like we need super powers or maybe a super hero to finally lose the weight. 

Weight loss is very individual. One thing won’t work for everyone. There are so many factors to why our bodies hold onto the weight and I am here to help you unravel the clues to help you reach your goals.



Are you always tired? Are you dragging throughout the day and haven’t felt your best in a long time?

Nutrition plays a vital role in how we feel from the inside out. Sometimes we need extra help from certain supplements, detoxing and balancing hormones. I will look at the full picture to make sure we are optimizing your energy.


Emotional Health

Are you quick to anger or are easy overwhelmed? Is depression or anxiety deciding what you do? Do you have trouble concentrating?

Whether it’s anxiety, depression, OCD, ADD or Autism these conditions all have similarities in how food can drastically change your mood. Additionally, hormone imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and toxic load can all play a part. Figuring out your individual cause of the symptoms and addressing it is important.

Man on top of mountain Ian Stauffer

Allergy Treatment

Sick of using inhalers or taking allergy medicine? Frustrated with not being able to eat certain foods?

There has been a large increase of people being diagnosed with “Leaky Gut” and those people are struggling to find what foods are triggering their gut issues. Through this allergy treatment we can test over 80 foods and only eliminate the ones absolutely necessary to help heal the gut. Then we can work on clearing all the allergens from minimal to large reactions.

Environmental Allergies  Don’t forget about seasonal allergies or the constant sinus infection. This allergy treatment can also help many environmental sensitivities

Apple with lady in green skirt

Gut Health

Trouble with gas, bloating, constipation/diarrhea? Constant stomach pain?

All roads lead to the gut! The gut is an important player on how our immune system functions, how our mood is regulated, how our energy levels are controlled and so much more. There are many gut conditions including IBS, abdominal pain, yeast overgrowth, parasites, SIBO, you name it, we need to take care of it. Nutrition is at the forefront of the equation.

Take back your health!
